Points To Consider While Building An Enterprise Application

Enterprise applications, if built right, can give an organization an edge over the competition in its industry. Enterprise applications have…

6 years ago

Cloud Migration For Law Firms – Here’s What Empowerment Looks Like

Law firms, compared to other businesses, tend to be more dependent on papers and local resources while working remotely to…

6 years ago

A Comprehensive Checklist for Cloud Migration

Migrating your organization’s on-premise applications to the cloud can drastically improve ease of operation and maximize your company’s efficiency. However,…

6 years ago

Think Cloud; Think Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is Google’s suite of public cloud computing services for compute, storage and application development that run on…

6 years ago

Shift Left your Testing with LeanFT in Agile DevOps Projects

Since the inception of the Agile methodology and DevOps solutions, development cycles have become shorter and smoother, thanks to agile’s…

6 years ago

Five ways in which Cloud Computing has Transformed Business

Cloud computing has transformed our lives in unimaginable ways. With countless cloud-based services making our lives easier, businesses deserve credit…

6 years ago

DevOps using Legacy Systems and Applications? Here’s How!

IT companies are embracing DevOps and the hybrid cloud environment, with modern cloud as well as on-prem applications. However, there…

6 years ago

IaaS, PaaS or SaaS – Which Cloud Offering is Right for Small Businesses?

IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the building blocks of modern cloud computing. Like the “aaS” part of the acronym in…

6 years ago

Oracle is All Set to Transform the Blockchain Landscape

The concept of Blockchain gained popularity after the bitcoin and cryptocurrency explosion - it is the digital ledger which facilitates…

6 years ago

Truly Transformative – Cloud Computing and Digital Insurance

The single purpose of technology is to reduce the complexity of operation of any exercise or activity. Companies, industries, and…

6 years ago