Your exciting new product or application functionality is taking longer than expected to hit the market. This is a cause…
Quality delivery comes with making quality assurance a priority. However, if you are undertaking manual processes to deal with the…
The modern customer is not easy to please. However, in a highly competitive market, offering a superior customer experience is…
Given the demanding expectations of the present-day customer, the need for a seamless digital onboarding process, a simplified payment integration,…
Timely delivery of products and services is an important aspect of superior customer experience. Often, this is a big challenge…
In today’s competitive market, the right approach to customer acquisition and retention is through the delivery of superior customer experience…
Customer experience (CX) is defined by the Harvard Business Review as “the internal and subjective response customers have to any…
“The Millennial Disruption Index,” a three-year study conducted among 10,000 millennials, revealed some shocking facts - and not one of…
Cloud technology allows organizations from around the world to embrace business models that are more agile and responsive. In a…
What is it? Serverless architecture, also known as serverless computing, Function as a Service (FaaS), or simply “serverless”, is a…